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Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers (BPHE)

The highly efficient design and excellent value of SEC Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers (BPHE) makes them a wise choice for your heat transfer applications. Produced to the highest standards utilizing the latest production technology SEC Brazed Plate heat exchangers meet the demanding quality requirements of ASME, CRN, and ISO 9002.

SEC Brazed Plate heat exchangers are pressure rated for 435psi @ 437°F copper brazed, 752°F nickel brazed. Brazed Plate heat exchangers have a 1 year warrantee. They are available in Double Wall and Air Gap with threaded, solder or flange connections.

SEC Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers consist of specially formed stainless steel plates, vacuum brazed together to form a highly efficient heat transfer device. The corrugated pattern stamped into each plate produces turbulent flows. This results in high heat transfer coefficients. The plate size, number of plates, and connection sizes are varied to match the customer's heat transfer requirements precisely. Individual units have capacities up to 4,000,000 btu or 50 tons for refrigeration.  Order Now

PL/PLT Series Heat Exchangers

We are often asked where this exciting design can be used. Everyday, customers are telling us about new uses they have found for this economical heat transfer device. HVAC, pool and spa heating, refrigeration, oil coolers, sample coolers, waste water heat recovery, radiant heating, snow melt systems, etc, etc.

Designed to economically handle relatively high flows in a compact package this is a versatile heat exchanger. Utilizing a straight self cleaning corrugated tube the 8 standard off the shelf models are OEM friendly, and manufactured to meet ASME codes. Available in 316L stainless steel or Titanium with nominal heat transfer capacities of 40,000 to 1,000,000 btu. (12 to 292 kW).

PL models:
Eight (8) standard off the shelf models, 316L stainless steel ASME rating of 250 psi @ 406F. Female NPT connections. Straight corrugated tubes non-removable parts.

PLT models:
Titanium PLT models are rated at 150 psi. Straight plain tubes, non-removable parts. NOTE: PLT connections are NPTM (Male) Order Now


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